Starts Here Week 1

Sharable notes for the June 4, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Luke 5:17-26; Acts 1:1
Passages referenced: Acts 1:8

  • Missions work is simply the mission of God at work, and that mission starts here, where we live every day.

  • Jesus demonstrated in his interactions with others that there is no more urgent need in our life than our need for forgiveness of sins. There is no more urgent need in our life than for our soul to be healed from the damages of sin, than for our heart and our life to be reconciled to the Father and our creator.

  • A better world starts when our identity is formed in our creator.

  • Jesus' resurrection proves his claim to be able to forgive our sins.

  • The truly better change the world needs is the change that takes place in individual lives through Jesus.

  • What Jesus did was just the beginning. He was the chief originator of a better way. He put into motion what the early church did and what the church was meant to continue doing.

  • The Holy Spirit empowers us today to truly make the world better, because He empowers us to be witnesses of Jesus Christ who is the better way. He empowers us to serve those around us in a better way.

  • Faith combined with God’s empowering Spirit can truly make the world a better place and what better place to start than here.

  • Making the world around you better starts with looking past yourself. It’s starts with understanding that as long as life is all about me, then I can’t really be about anything else.

  • The best thing you can do for you has very little to do with you. The best way to make the world better is to point the world to the one who is the best way - Jesus Christ.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What breaks your heart? If you could bring change to something, what and where would you want to bring change?

  • How do you define better? What do you think makes the world better?

  • What did Jesus do to make the world around him better that you can emulate?

  • How do you believe the Holy Spirit has empowered you to make the world around you better?

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Even though the brokenness of the world may seem overwhelming, anyone with the courage to follow their passion and become a light—in their homes, communities, and churches—can bring real change. And when we all embrace our God-given gifts as changemakers, a better world is within our grasp.
