Student Takeover - Awaken the Wonder

Sharable notes for the August 14, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • When we are awakened to the wonder of God, we are awakened to something greater than we ever experienced before. 
  • When we are awakened to the wonder of God, we realize there is more that God has for us. 
  • God never wants us to settle for where we are, He wants us to see that's there's always more in Him. 
  • God is concerned with what's going on in our life and wants to be involved. 
  • God doesn't allow our past to hinder us. He redeems us from our past and says "So now, go!" We have a purpose. 
  • The opposition we face in pursuing our purpose should not lead us to quit, but to trust God more. The purpose is great. 
  • We lose the wonder when we take our eyes off of Christ and the promises of His Word and focus on circumstances instead. 