Summer Reading: James Week 1

Sharable notes for the June 2, 2024 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: James 1
Passages Referenced: Galatians 1:19; Mark 3:31-35; John 7:5; Acts 1:14; Luke 11:28

  • There are situations in our life that produce trials and we have to find God over them, find joy in them, and find wisdom to get through them.

  • In difficult situations you will either allow yourself to fall into temptation and fall short during the test or you’ll let the test be a trial that proves your faith.

  • Joy is a byproduct of believing the promises of God in the midst of great pain.

  • Our first response in difficult situations is usually an emotional or physical reaction when our first response needs to be prayer.

  • As we endure through difficult situations we’ll see those trials become a blessing and we’ll see that what we worried over we can worship God for.

  • When the trial is strongest the temptation is deepest. Stay grounded in God's word and seek HIm for wisdom.

  • Don’t just look at the word for more information, allow the word to produce transformation in your life.

  • Our life should reflect the righteousness of God that he has placed on us. Even in the middle of difficult situations.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How have the difficult situations you've faced in life helped you to grow in your faith?

  • In what ways do difficult situations stir desires in you to do things against the will of God? How do you fight against those?

  • How have your emotions made difficult situations worse? What do you do to combat that?

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