The Church's Call in a Political World

Sharable notes for the November 1, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

The church's call in a political world.png

Scriptures used: Titus 3:1-7; Matthew 22:18-21; Acts 4:18-20; Matthew 25:34-36; Romans 10:17; 1 John 4:18; 2 Timothy 1:7; Psalms 56:3; Isaiah 41:10

  • Scripture teaches us to be good citizens as a call to shine the light of Jesus Christ in the world around us. At the same time we are not to sacrifice the truth of Scripture. We must live as Jesus with truth and grace.

  • God’s truth and Kingdom should always be our primary focus in life.

  • Are we living in our culture today with the same boldness and faith as the early church?

  • Our political system is not the foundation of our faith - Jesus is. Our talk and the way we live as believers must represent this.

  • As followers of Christ we cannot operate our life or make decisions out of fear. We are a people of faith! If we are living in fear, what are we listening to?

  • The light of Jesus in us is the hope for our nation and world today. Be strong and courageous!

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How have you handled this election season? How has it impacted your relationships?

  • Do you ever find yourself, even without realizing, expressing more hope in our political system than in our faith? How can you correct that?

  • Do you ever feel trapped by fear during times like this? What do you think causes that or what helps you avoid it?

  • How can you continue to represent God's Kingdom and live with boldness?

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Politics can make us anxious, angry, and worried, but it doesn't have to. As followers of Christ, we are citizens of another Kingdom—a Kingdom of love, joy, hope, and peace. This devotional by Joël Malm will help you stay calm, cool, and collected i…

Politics can make us anxious, angry, and worried, but it doesn't have to. As followers of Christ, we are citizens of another Kingdom—a Kingdom of love, joy, hope, and peace. This devotional by Joël Malm will help you stay calm, cool, and collected in the middle of the storm of politics.
