The Misunderstanding of Freedom

Sharable notes for the July 2, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • Freedom is a biblical concept. It originated with God.
  • The hope of true freedom was prophesied by Isaiah and fulfilled in Jesus.
  • There is no freedom like freedom from within, freedom from sin and freedom to live a new life.
  • When Jesus said "it is finished," it was a declaration from our ultimate enslavement, which is sin. This is the greatest freedom.
  • To think to be free means we can do what we want is a wrong understanding of freedom. 
  • Freedom is not an absence of limitations, but a dependency upon our divine Creator. 
  • We don’t follow God out of religious duty, but out of love.
  • Our desire to please God is because his love set us free from the curse of sin.
  • A false idea of freedom believes my choices only affect me, my feelings are the truest expression of who I am, my life is just for me.
  • True freedom can only be found in who we were created to be and in the one who created us.