Never Lose Your Wonder

Sharable notes for the June 25, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • We can keep our wonder for God by remembering His promise, trusting His power and living in His presence.
  • Over and over in the OT the Israelites lose their wonder towards God. Why? Because somewhere along the way they:
    - forgot how God fulfills his promises
    - quit trusting in God’s power
    - stopped living in His presence
  • At the pronouncement of judgment in the midst of rebellion God says, “I’m going to get you out of this mess.” - Genesis 3:15
  • Jesus is the promise fulfilled, the plan of redemption for mankind.
  • The way we got into this mess was Adam reaching for equality with God. Our way out is through Jesus who didn’t consider equality with God something to be grasped.
  • A question worth asking ourselves: Where am I trying to be God versus where am I trusting God?
  • The answer to "who am I" is always "I am with God and that is enough."
  • There is no sin, no issue, no circumstance, with more power than the cross of Jesus Christ.
  • If we ever feel like God has forgotten us we simply need to look to the cross.
  • If we ever feel like we’re losing our wonder, we need to step back and:
    - remember His promise fulfilled through Jesus
    - trust His power not our own or anyone/thing else
    - live in His presence and put away distractions