
Sharable notes for the June 18, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • A charge for everyone who wants to impact future generations for Jesus is that we carry each other’s burdens to fulfill the law of Christ, which is love.
  • Jesus is the ultimate example of manhood - chivalrous, humble, strong.
  • We should be stirred to live lives of passion and adventure for Christ. 
  • The love we share must be sacrificial, unconditional, given when it's not deserved, proactive not reactive, and at times we must show tough love.
  • Is my version of Christianity worth dying for?
  • Because the truth is offensive it doesn't make the truth wrong. 
  • In Jesus we see blood, sweat, and tears showing us that we must sacrifice, work hard and show empathy.
  • May we never lose our wonder of God. Don't let yourself become cynical.
  • "You can't have joy without sacrifice, character without suffering, success without failure, gain without pain, a testimony without a test. If you want it all you have to go all in." Mark Batterson 