Values - Share Hope with Humility
Sharable notes for the September 26, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Acts 8:1-4; 1 Peter 3:8-17, 4:4-8
Even if you don't have the spiritual gift of evangelism, we all have the responsibility as a follower of Christ to share our faith.
As a follower of Christ you have what it takes to share your hope with humility because you have the Spirit of God living in you.
Not being willing to share hope in Christ with others is really not a technique problem, it’s a belief problem or an apathy problem. We’re believing in our own abilities to do something well more than we believe in God working through us, or we just don’t se the importance in doing it ourselves.
Share the hope we have IN CHRIST, nothing else.
Listen to someone's story, share your story, share God’s story, and keep love and humility in the middle of it all. When you do this, God will show up and do what only He can do.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
How good would you say you are at sharing your hope in Christ with others?
What do you think is the biggest reason that you don't do it as often as you probably should?
What are some ways that you can become more intentional about sharing your hope?
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