When Faith Feels Like it Failed - Week 1

Sharable notes for the June 7, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 


Scriptures used: Mark 10:17-22; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

  • “On a bad day, we tend to reduce God to the size of our greatest failure, biggest problem, or worst fear.” Mark Batterson

  • God is not a tool to get what we want. Sometimes we need to ask ourselves, rather than honor God because He’s God, am I flattering God because He has something I want?

  • We can't let our faith becomes less about us serving our creator, and more about using God as a way to justify everything we’re trying to achieve.

  • Don't overestimate your own ability and underestimate your need for God.

  • More important than God affirming what we are doing, is our accepting what He has done.

  • No matter how good we think we are, we are all broken and need God’s grace.

  • Sometimes in faith you have to give up your right to have an answer for everything.

  • Grace in this life doesn’t depend on what we do. It depends on who we trust. Are we putting our trust in the only one who is certain?

  • Jesus is our savior not a safety net. The testing of our faith sometimes shows us if we trust money, power, comfort and stability more than we do God.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Have you struggled lately in anyway, with loneliness, depression, something else? Or have you been through something that has been very difficult for you? Share that with someone close to you and how it has affected you.

  • How do you feel like your faith has been affected?

  • What have difficult seasons in your life revealed to you about your faith?

  • What steps do you think you can take to make sure your faith is centered around God and not something else?

Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:

Weakness does not disqualify you from inclusion in the kingdom of God—instead, it is your invitation to enter. Our week together of studying God’s Word will also serve as a personal exploration of what it means to be “poor in spirit.” I believe that…

Weakness does not disqualify you from inclusion in the kingdom of God—instead, it is your invitation to enter. Our week together of studying God’s Word will also serve as a personal exploration of what it means to be “poor in spirit.” I believe that sharing vulnerability in a safe place allows communion to happen and hope to grow again. What if weakness is one of our greatest strengths?
