Who is the Holy Spirit Week 3
Sharable notes for the May 19, 2024 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Ephesians 5:15-20; 2:18; 6:18; Acts 2:37-39; 19:1-6 1 Corinthians 12:13; 2:11; 14:14-19; Matthew 3:11; Luke 11:11-13
Passages Referenced: 1 Corinthians 15:20; Romans 8:15-16; Matthew 28:19; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33-34
The Holy Spirit will fill anyone who would come to God through faith in Christ no matter your background or where you are from.
We can’t take the aspects of the Holy Spirit we like and disown the aspects of the Holy Spirit we don’t like or understand.
Through the Holy Spirit, God’s presence becomes alive in us, the mission becomes personal to us, and his power begins to work in us and through us.
Our having been filled is no substitute for our need to be continually full of the Holy Spirit.
If we allow ourselves to be open to anything and everything in the world, we will find ourselves being shaped by those things rather than by his Spirit.
Instead of seeing the problem in front of you, pray for God to reveal the potential opportunity for his power to work through that problem.
When you walk in the Spirit you are in the will of God.
Don't substitute something else in the place of the Holy Spirit to give you only what God's Spirit can give you.
When we are filled with the Spirit, the Spirit pours out of us into others.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
Has anyone ever told you that you were full of it? How did that make you feel?
When it comes to being full of the Holy Spirit, what does that mean to you?
How receptive are you to the Holy Spirit filling you with the empowering gifts of God? If you're cautious in that regards, why is that?
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