You Matter Week 2

Sharable notes for the March 29, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Easter---You-Matter web.jpg

Scriptures used: Mark 5:1-43; Romans 8:11

  • When Jesus' life was interrupted, He never made others feel inconvenient, He always let them know they mattered.

  • Too often we have lived our life caught up in the rush, and we miss moments. We need to learn to embrace every moment, even the mundane.

  • God can change anyone. No matter what you may be trapped in - sin, worry, fear, anxiety – it doesn't have to be the end of the story. God is able to transform.

  • Our we perceptive enough to know when those around us are hurting, or reaching out for help?

  • What we see as interruptions in our life may be God directing our life.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How do you handle interruptions?

  • How good do you believe you are at recognizing when someone may be hurting? Do you respond when you sense that? Why or why not?

  • Do you feel trapped by anything right now and need God to help you? If so, what has you trapped

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The coronavirus and the unknowns, interruptions, cancellations, and social isolations are far from over, which means so many of the blessings we love might be MIA for months to come. This reading plan offers encouragement and hope for your fear and …

The coronavirus and the unknowns, interruptions, cancellations, and social isolations are far from over, which means so many of the blessings we love might be MIA for months to come. This reading plan offers encouragement and hope for your fear and anxiety and shows the blessings that God can bring out of situations like this.
