You Matter Week 4

Sharable notes for the April 12, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Easter---You-Matter web.jpg

Scriptures used: Matthew 28:6; John 8:1; Genesis 3:9

  • The story of the gospel begins and ends with love. Everything Jesus did was because He so loved the world.

  • We look at all that is wrong in the world and in our fear, grief and arrogance we ask where is God? Jesus is the answer to that question.

  • Our world is full of darkness because of sin but Jesus came to us to be The Light.

  • God is asking the same question to us today that He asked to Adam and Eve? Where are you? Are we hiding from God or are we giving all of ourselves to Him?

  • God loves you. He’s on your side. He’s coming after you in love. He’s relentless.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Do you ever feel like God is not close or not present? What leads you to feel that way?

  • How does Jesus show us that God loves us and that we are not alone?

  • In what ways do you hide from God? How can you be more vulnerable in your relationship with God?

Click the image to start a new 3 day devotion in YouVersion:

When darkness surrounds you, how should you respond? For the next 3 days, immerse yourself in the Easter story and discover how to hold onto hope when you feel forsaken, alone, or unworthy.

When darkness surrounds you, how should you respond? For the next 3 days, immerse yourself in the Easter story and discover how to hold onto hope when you feel forsaken, alone, or unworthy.
