Following Jesus Week 1

Sharable notes for the April 19, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Following Jesus.png

Scriptures used: Matthew 13:1-23; 1 John 4:20; John 5:44; 2 Corinthians 11:14

  • There has to be an openness to the word of God in order to receive the word of God.

  • Things that impact our heart and keep us from seeing the truth of God - unwillingness to change, cherished sin, apathy, hate, putting more weight on other's opinions.

  • An enemy is most dangerous when we don’t even think he exists.

  • Jesus is more than a means to an end.

  • Choosing to follow Jesus means that we will have to choose to walk away from something else.

  • The proof of our faith is not its intensity at the beginning, but its endurance to the end.

  • Maybe we don’t reject God’s word, but are we neglecting it?

  • If you allow Jesus’ word to take root in you it will be noticeable.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Which plot of soil in Jesus' parable do you think represents the condition of your heart the most? Is there one of the bad soils that you are more prone to fall in than another?

  • Do you ever forget that you have a real spiritual enemy? How is that dangerous?

  • How is the cost of following Christ challenging to you?

  • In what ways do you ever find yourself not rejecting God's word but neglecting it?

Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:

This plan looks at a vital spiritual practice to all seeking growth in God: tilling the soil of the heart. God longs for us to till the soil of our hearts that we might be receptive to the seed of his word and bear fruit. May your heart become respo…

This plan looks at a vital spiritual practice to all seeking growth in God: tilling the soil of the heart. God longs for us to till the soil of our hearts that we might be receptive to the seed of his word and bear fruit. May your heart become responsive to the presence, will, and love of God as you cultivate good soil with the help of the Holy Spirit.
