End of My Rope

JULY 9, 2017 - Week 1

In this series we will look at two key thoughts: (1) God is with us in desperate situations (2) We need a desperation for God. When we are at the end of our rope God is there. He has not left or forsaken us. The question is will we trust him?

JULY 16, 2017 - Week 2

The story of Naaman gives us some insight on a few stages of desperation we all go through, and in actuality reveal a mindset we should live with daily. 

JULY 23, 2017 - Week 3

Luke 8 shares two separate stories of desperation, two separate individuals who found the grace and love of Jesus. These two individuals show us a lot about how we should be in our times of desperation. 

JULY 30, 2017 - Week 4

This Sunday we got to hear and see how God used the 42 members of Unashamed's team that served in Orlando, and hear from Pastor Bunk, our Youth Pastor, as he continued the series End of My Rope.  

August 6, 2017 - Week 5

This week we look at the story of Jacob and how his life changed for the better when he stopped doing this one thing. If we're like Jacob when he was at the end of his rope before he changed, we can be like Jacob after he changed as well. 

August 13, 2017 - Week 6

In John 5 we meet a paralyzed man in a desperate situation who was placing his hope in a superstition until he realized Jesus Christ was the one true hope. Jesus is the only hope for our desperate situations that leave us paralyzed. 

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