This series takes a look at Paul's letter to the church of Galatia. The theme throughout his letter is about the freedom we have through Christ. It's not a freedom to live however we want. It's a freedom from the penalty and the power of sin. It's a freedom to live how he has created, and called us to live, in relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ empowered by the Spirit.
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September 22, 2024
Paul starts strong out of the gate in his letter to the Galatians, but Paul only starts this way because he’s so passionate about the gospel. The Galatians were listening to outside voices that wanted to add stipulations to their salvation in Christ. We have to be careful who we allow to influence our faith. If we’re not, we can find ourselves in a similar place as the Galatians. When it comes to eternal salvation, faith in Christ plus anything ruins everything.
September 29, 2024
Paul shares his transformation story with the Galatians and further verifies the truth of the gospel and it’s power to transform. In Christ we all have, or can have, a transformation story that points to the gospel story.
October 6, 2024
In his letter to the Galatians Paul shows us how God freed him to live from His grace and not allow the fear of man to control how he lived his life. Paul also had a strong enough relationship with Peter and other church leaders to point out when their life wasn’t reflecting the gospel. We live this life from the approval of God not for the approval of man, but we do need to give room to others to speak into our life when our life is not reflecting the gospel.
October 13, 2024
As we move into Galatians 3 we see even more Paul’s frustration with what the Galatians have allowed the Judaizers to do th them. He wants to remind them, and us, that the grace we receive at the starting line of faith is what powers us through the finish line.
October 20, 2024
In his letter to the Galatians, Paul asks and then answers the question that so many of us ask, what is the purpose of the law? Why was it given? Does it still have a purpose? While the law is not what saves us, it points us to the one who does. We now live under a new covenant through Christ empowered by the Spirit to honor God. Everyday we need to clothe ourselves in Christ.
October 27, 2024
Paul transitions his conversation to show the Galatians what their relationship to God and the law is under Christ. We are not to look at our relationship with God as if we are servants trying to pay off a debt. Instead, Paul again talks about the Holy Spirit and reminds them that the Holy Spirit unites us with the Father as a child of God. In Christ, you are a child of God, an heir to the promises of God.
November 3, 2024
Paul calls back to Abraham again and this time references Sarah and Hagar and how they went about trying to bring to fruition the promise of God. Even when we feel like we're in a barren place in our life, we have to trust Christ to bring to completion what he's started in us through salvation.
November 10, 2024
As we move into Galatians 5 we see Paul’s theme come to full light - our freedom in Christ. Christ has set you free and one of the greatest freedoms you have now is to pursue a relationship with the one who pursued you through the cross to purchase your freedom.
November 17, 2024
Paul wraps up his letter to the Galatians with a very compelling call and a reminder that the gospel teaches us that love requires something from us. We have a call to to hold each other accountable and help encourage each other in our faith journeys.