Oh Come Let Us Adore Him
Join us as we look at Matthew's account of the birth of Jesus and how he points out that Jesus is the Messiah the prophets were speaking about. Along the way we'll look at Joseph and Mary's commitment to trust God, their obedience to follow him, and the hope we now have.
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December 1, 2024
The prophet Isaiah spoke of a virgin birth that would change the world. Matthew tells us that this birth happened through a young girl named Mary who was betrothed to be married to a young man named Joseph, who was in the line of David. Mary and Joseph’s trust in God and willingness to yield their life to his will is remarkable. What can we learn from them?
December 8, 2024
Matthew keeps going in his writing surrounding the birth of Jesus to tell us how God led Mary and Joseph to take their new child to Egypt in order to protect him from a horrible mandate that had been decreed by King Herod. Matthew tells us that by Mary and Joseph doing this it fulfills a prophecy from Hosea. We can learn through this that no matter the uncertainty, no matter the wait, following Christ wherever he leads is always better because Christ is far greater than anything else in our life.
Note: Due to technical difficulties, there is no video of the message from this weekend. You can play the audio through YouTube, click the listen link below, or never miss one by subscribing to iTunes or Spotify.
December 15, 2024
King Herod was infuriated when the wise men didn’t return to tell him where Jesus was after his birth. In his anger he decided to kill every male 2 and under in Bethlehem. Matthew points out that this act links back to a prophecy from Jeremiah about the weeping of mothers in Ramah, saying that there is a hope for the future, a hope that would bring a new covenant. The good news was born into our dark world, into our pain, so that he could take what causes our pain and die for it on a cross to fulfill the promise of God and offer hope to the world.
Note: Due to technical difficulties, there is no video of the message from this weekend. You can play the audio through YouTube, click the listen link below, or never miss one by subscribing to iTunes or Spotify.
December 22, 2024 - Christmas Service
When Jesus was born there were quite a few different visitors to his birth. What may be just as shocking was those that didn’t come to see this miraculous birth. Jesus was born into our world to get our attention. How you respond is very important.