Be Week 3

Sharable notes for the February 16, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 


Scriptures used: Luke 5:17-26; John 15:12-17; Proverbs 12:26, 17:9, 18:24, 19:4, 22:24, 27:6; 1 John 3:2-3

  • “I want to live so fully in the Spirit that every act of my life may be an act of worship.” A.W. Tozer

  • The Christian faith is to be one of action and adventure, not apathy and complacency.

  • Am I making room for others to find Jesus?

  • In your passion and pursuit to be closer to Jesus, others may see it as strange, Jesus will see your faith.

  • In our times of loneliness and despair, joys and sorrows, we can always remember that Jesus said, “I have called you friends.”

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How would you describe your friendships?

  • Do you believe you have friends that bring you closer to God? If not, what steps do you think you can take to find more?

  • Do you bring your friends closer to Jesus?

  • What does it mean to you to know that Jesus called those who follow Him His friends?

Click the image to start a new 5 day devotion in YouVersion:

Bible teacher Kelly Needham debunks our world's constricted, small view of friendship and casts a richer, more life-giving, biblical vision for friendship as God meant it to be.

Bible teacher Kelly Needham debunks our world's constricted, small view of friendship and casts a richer, more life-giving, biblical vision for friendship as God meant it to be.
