Break Through Part 1
Sharable notes for the January 3, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Matthew 6:7; Genesis 32:9-12, 24-29; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Luke 18;1-8; James 4:2; Psalms 23:4
The promises of God are blessings for you to receive. Pray through and receive His blessings. Don't let them go unclaimed in your life!
Sometimes you have to press through with persistence to see your break through. God might be ready to give you, and you might be ready to receive, what you're asking. Don't give up!
The blessings of God are not something we create for ourselves, they are something we receive from God.
The blessings of God come by our submitting to Him.
Sometimes the greatest result from persistent prayer is not a change of your situation; it’s a change of your identity.
Whatever you are searching for, it can’t replace a relationship with God?
Seek the relationship and the blessings of the relationship will follow.
It may seem like God is not listening, but He is. The cross assures you of that.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
How would you describe your prayer life?
What would you say are your intentions with your prayers? Are you seeking only to receive something, or to draw closer to God?
How persistent are you in your prayers? How does Jacob's story and the story of the persistent widow encourage you?
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When the word prayer comes to our minds, we probably have a picture of what that looks like. Regardless of your background, you probably have some prior experience with the concept of prayer. In this 7-day plan, we’ll dive deeper into what prayer looks like and how we can incorporate practices that will help us begin an ongoing conversation with God that will last our entire lives.