Champion Week 1

Sharable notes for the June 12, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Ephesians 6:10-17; 1 Timothy 5:14; Exodus 15:1-3; Revelation 19:11-16; 1 Corinthians 16:13-14; Joshua 24:15; Joel 3:9-13; 2:12-13; Matthew 9:25-28
Passages referenced: Ephesians 5:21-33; Mark 10:42-45; Joel 1:4; Acts 2:14-21

  • There is no place in the home for a beaten down submissive wife that serves every beckoning need of the man. There is also no place for a man with no backbone, no vision, no direction, no ability to communicate; a man who seeks to look out only for himself, doing only what he wants to do.

  • Men, God has given you someone and something to champion in this life.

    God has given you someone to love, someone to encourage, someone to build up, someone to stand beside, someone to guard.

    God has given you a gospel to advance, a calling to accept, a ministry to fulfill. You are to be salt and light. You are His ambassador that represents His love to the world around you.

  • You may be the Godly example of a man someone in your work place needs, a teenager or child in the church, in your neighborhood, or on your ball team needs.

  • You have the spirit of a champion because you have the Spirit of God living in you.

  • We need to get to a place where we are truly broken over the destruction around us that sin is causing.

  • We need to want our kids to know Christ more than anything. We need to want our community to know Christ more than anything.

  • Being a champion starts with a hunger for more of His presence and His power at work in our life.

  • The absence of God’s presence and power and blessing from our lives has nothing to do with His unwillingness. It’s our apathy and our sin.

  • How badly do we want the presence of God in our homes, in our church, in our community? The answer is revealed in how seriously we take sin and how severely we hunger for God’s presence.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What characteristics would you say make a man a man? What makes a Godly man?

  • Why types of things would you say you champion in life? What do you fight for?

  • How serious do you take your role in standing against the influence of sin in our world?

  • How do we love others the way Christ has called us to love others while at the same time standing against the sin that is in our world?

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The Word encourages us to resist every enemy - even when our enemy is ourselves - and teaches us to receive Jesus’ victory in our lives.
