Dark Side of Easter - Week 3

Sharable notes for the April 10, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Luke 23:32-43; Proverbs 13:12
Passages referenced: Luke 6:27; 1 Thessalonians 5:18

  • It’s very easy for disappointment in life to become disappointment in God.

  • Disappointment is often the first seed of doubt that tries to choke out our faith, or any possibility of faith in God.

  • Thanksgiving can be an antidote to our disappointment.

  • Instead of avoiding God in our disappointment, Jesus is inviting us to lean in.

  • The desires we’re striving to fill are often the desires we shouldn’t be pursuing in the first place. They aren’t helping our disappointments. They’re contributing to them. The desire that will fulfill us, is the desire we are ignoring.

  • Lean in to hear what God is saying in the middle of life's disappointments. This very situation could be a catalyst to a calling.

  • God is your strength, your peace, your comfort, your forgiveness, your light in the middle of the darkness. In the middle of death, God is your life.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How have life's disappointments affected you physically, mentally and emotionally?

  • How have they affected you spiritually? Have you found yourself disappointed in God because of things that have happened to you in your life?

  • What can you do to pursue God instead of resisting Him?

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Been dealing with disappointment? None of us are exempt from experiencing it. No matter who we are, we’ll all walk through times when we didn’t get what we wanted. So, what do we do with our disappointments? Is it wrong for us to feel this way? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, we’ll look at how we define, accept, process, and use our disappointments for good.
