Fear Not - Failure

Sharable notes for the December 12, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Luke 2:8-10; Luke 1:26-38
Stories referenced: Noah (Genesis 6-9); Abraham & Sarah (Genesis 15, 17, 18:1-15, 21:1-7); Zechariah & Elizabeth (Luke 1); Joshua & Jericho (Joshua 5:13-6)

  • If we let failure be a mentality we live with it’s going to be hard to walk by faith in God. Our faith in everything going wrong will keep us from taking the first step for Him.

  • The facts around us are never bigger than God’s power within us. God’s purposes can prevail despite perceptions.

  • In the hands of God what we think is nothing, He can turn into something.

  • You’re a somebody who God wants to do something amazing through wherever He has you right now and anywhere you’ll let Him take you.

  • Becoming obsessed with what people think about you is the quickest way to forget what God thinks about you. At the same time, becoming obsessed with what God thinks about you is the quickest way to forget what people think about you.

  • Extraordinary acts of God often start with ordinary acts of obedience. Faith is revealed in your willingness to act.

  • Faith takes one step at a time not fearing that we’re going to mess up or that we don’t have what it takes.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Are you ever afraid to do something because you're afraid to fail or you feel inadequate? Why do you think you struggle in this way?

  • Have you ever put the emphasis on nothing when you looked at the phrase "nothing is impossible with God?" How does it encourage you to think that literally, the idea of nothing, is impossible with God.

  • What is one small act of obedience you can do now that you've never done before because you were afraid to fail or you felt inadequate in doing?

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The fear of failure is one of the most destructive tools of the enemy. When you stop and think of every great person of God who has accomplished something for the Kingdom, you can bet they had to face off with this fear. What if they hadn't overcome it? How many people would have missed out? Let's learn together how to stop the cycle of fear in our lives.
