In Jesus Name Week 2

Sharable notes for the January 9, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Luke 11:1-4
Passages referenced: Matthew 6:5-15; Romans 8:26; John 6:22-35; Matthew 16:5-12; Mark 8:13-21; Luke 24:13-31; 1 Corinthians 10:17

  • You don’t have to approach God as if you are making yourself out to be worthy. He has already deemed you worthy. Jesus Christ deemed you worthy when He gave His life for you on the cross.

  • Our Father wants us to desire Him. It’s more than just an understanding of our need for him, it’s a longing to be with him, to find joy in his presence.

  • “To hallow God’s name is to have a heart of grateful joy toward God – and even more, a wondrous sense of his beauty. Consider how different this is from the normal way we use prayer... to get things. We may believe in God, but out deepest hopes and happiness reside in things, success, social relationships… Seldom or never do we spend sustained time adoring and praising God. We know God is there, but we tend to see him as a means through which we get things to make us happy. For most of us, he has not become our happiness.” Tim Keller

  • “Unless you break the stronghold of false images of God in your mind, you’ll never be drawn to prayer. The angels have been with God for thousands of years and they still haven’t gotten past the words... holy - holy - holy... it could be that you’re just distracted by trivia in our culture… When you break through that boredom, you’ll be drawn to the glory of who God really is.” Jon Tyson

  • “One thing is certain: Our most powerful prayers are hyperlinked to the promises of God. When you know your are praying the promises of God, you can pray with holy confidence.” Mark Batterson

  • Sin wants to take us to a place of independence and autonomy from God. Prayer keeps us dependent upon Him.

  • Our prayers are not just about seeking the gifts but the one who is the giver of the gifts, our provider, Jehovah-Jireh, the sustainer of life.

  • Sin loses its power when it is exposed.

  • The Lord's prayer is all about relationship. It’s about our relationship with Him primarily, and our relationship with others.

  • The Lord’s prayer is not so much a liturgy to recite, although it’s of course fine to do that, but it’s a template to follow to make sure the posture of our heart is where it needs to be in relationship with God and with others.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How have you typically treated the Lord's prayer? Is it something you just recite, or have you thought deeper about what Jesus meant from it?

  • Are you able to approach God as your Father? If not, what keeps you from being able to? If so, how does that affect your time in prayer with him?

  • How does it change your mindset in prayer to know that God already knows what you need before you ask him?

  • What's a new insight about the Lord's prayer that has impacted you, and you believe will impact the way you pray?

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When all we do is memorize and repeat Scripture for Scripture’s sake – as in the case of the Lord’s Prayer – without ever revisiting or reanalyzing it, we risk losing the context and real-life application of God’s Word. This 7-day study aims to take a much closer look at Jesus’ words and intent in Luke 11:1-4.
