Lessons From a New Beginning

Sharable notes for the September 1, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Lessons from a new beginning.png

Scriptures used: Ecclesiastes 3:1,11; Proverbs 19:2; Esther 4:14; Matthew 20:1-16; Hebrews 4:15; James 4:6; Hebrews: 12:7,9; Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:44

  • Don't rush God's timing.

  • Don’t rush things that are meant to take time. 

  • Don’t be in such a rush that you miss opportunities God is giving you with people. 

  • Don't miss out on God opportunities.

  • It’s ok to miss out on what you want to get what God wants for you.

  • God is not the God of sameness but He is the God of rightness, love, mercy and grace.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Have you found yourself rushing God’s timing before?

  • In what ways can you slow down and be more aware of God’s timing and God opportunities?

  • How do you respond when things don’t seem fair in life? In what ways can you pause to see God’s hand at work in those situations?

Click the image to start a new 3 day devotion in YouVersion:

Do you ever feel the need to start over? A new year? A fresh outlook. A restored heart? This devotion will explore finding a new kind of love, contemplating a new kind of desire based on divine affections, and seeing yourself as a new creation inspi…

Do you ever feel the need to start over? A new year? A fresh outlook. A restored heart? This devotion will explore finding a new kind of love, contemplating a new kind of desire based on divine affections, and seeing yourself as a new creation inspired by the mind of God.
