Ready Set Week 2

Sharable notes for the August 8, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Acts 2:1-13, 36-41; Romans 8:11

  • It’s often the things we do in private that will emerge out into the public.

  • We have staying power because we have the Holy Spirit.

  • “We are not going to move this world by criticism of it nor conformity to it, but by the combustion with it of lives ignited by the Spirit of God.” Vance Havner

  • Are we getting ourselves into a rhythm with the Holy Spirit and mobilizing ourselves for Him to do something great through us?

  • Church is not just a place you go to, but a movement you belong to.

  • Are we captured by Christ's message and yielded to the Spirit?

  • We are not invited to do anything for Christ. We are invited to join Him as He works through us by His Holy Spirit.

  • “I sometimes wonder, if the early Christians were around today, would they even recognize what we call Christianity? Our version is blander, almost totally intellectual in nature, and devoid of the Holy Spirit power the early church regularly experienced… everything we read about the church in the New Testament centered on the power of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of Christian believers. Sadly, for many of us, this has not been our experience. I believe it's time to return to the kind of faith we see in the New Testament church. They believed in Christ’s word, they expected the Spirit to do great things, and he came through as promised. He will do the same for us today.”—Jim Cymbala

  • The resurrection power of the Spirit of God resides in you and wants to work through you.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How does the illustration of how power works through a circuit help you see the way the Holy Spirit works in your life?

  • What type of spiritual rhythm would you say you have right now in your life? Are there things that you need to do to improve that rhythm?

  • What is the church to you? Is it just an institution and a place you attend, or is it a movement you are a part of? Do you think the way you see the church and your part in it needs to change? How so?

Click the image to start a new 3 day devotion in YouVersion:

Join us for a quick, three-day reflection on what happened on Pentecost and in the first few chapters of Acts. You will discover the purpose of the church and be invited into the mission of God.

Join us for a quick, three-day reflection on what happened on Pentecost and in the first few chapters of Acts. You will discover the purpose of the church and be invited into the mission of God.
