Sharable notes for the November 25, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: John 10:10; 1 Peter 5:8, Genesis 4:7; Romans 6:1-7, 11-14, 16, 23; Ephesians 2:1
If we aren’t aggressive in our pursuit of God, we are at the disposal of sin, we are vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy.
In the gospel of Jesus, we find not only the resources to be delivered from the penalty of sin, but also the resources we need to be delivered from the power of sin.
Christianity is not about turning over a new leaf. It’s about the power of a new life.
Eternal life is not just a length of time God gives you to live, but a quality of life He gives you now!
There is no brokenness or corruption in us that the power of Christ's resurrection cannot heal, remove and redeem.
Through Jesus we go from being dead in sin to being dead to sin. Wouldn’t you rather be dead to than dead in!?
We put faith in Christ as the substitute for our sin. God reckons our faith as righteous. When we agree with God and reckon ourselves as righteous, God infuses the power of new life into us.
We don’t have to be dead in sin because through Christ we can be dead to sin.
We need to credit ourselves accordingly to who we are in Christ, and center our lives around Christ.
Click the image to start a new 6 day devotion in YouVersion:
“More than conquerors,” that’s what the Bible calls those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ for eternal salvation from the consequences of sin (Romans 8:35-39). So why do we continue to struggle after surrendering our lives to Him? Because the Enemy is alive and well and wants to steal our joy. Don’t let him! Overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit instead.”