Rest and Distraction - Week 2

Sharable notes for the March 13, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Hebrews 12:1-3; Matthew 14:22-33; Galatians 1:10; 1 John 1:9; Colossians 3:2

  • When we lose focus on Jesus is when we begin to drown.

  • When we focus on pleasing others over God, we begin to question ourselves.

  • When you worry about the future you miss out on the present.

  • When you focus on your past, you keep yourself from moving forward.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What would you say keeps you distracted the most?

  • In what way does your past distract you?

  • In what way does your future distract you?

  • How can you better focus yourself to not allow distraction to keep you from a place of rest in your body and soul?

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Do you find yourself easily distracted from the important things in your life? Join the crowd. You are not alone. This Bible plan helps identify common distractions and challenges each of us to live more intentionally.
