Summer Reading: James Week 4

Sharable notes for the June 16, 2024 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: James 4:1-12; Psalms 84:11

  • Nothing should control our hearts in such a way that without them we despair, become deeply discontent, or rage or hate someone else. Our contentment, peace, and joy should be dependent on God alone, being in his will, allowing Him to be in control of our lives.

  • We have to let change happen on the inside of us so that we handle what’s happening outside of us.

  • God is not a genie that exists to fulfill our selfish desires.

  • We have the benefit of taking our desires, concerns, needs to God in prayer and then we have the responsibility of trusting his answer.

  • Before you confront the other person, humble yourself.

  • It’s not your place to judge whether or not someone deserves your love. Christ has already established that they do.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Are you the type of person that likes to argue or do you avoid arguments? Why is that?

  • If what we argue over reveals what we are desiring inside, what does your arguments say about you?

  • How do you think it would benefit us if we humble ourselves before we start arguing with others?

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