Summer Reading: James Week 5

Sharable notes for the July 14, 2024 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: James 4:6,10,13-17; Isaiah 2:22: Psalm 90:12
Scriptures referenced: Ecclesiastes 1; 3:11; John 5:36

  • We can process, plan, structure and organize, but we’ve got to be willing to pivot and make adjustments along the way.

  • If we fail to realize God’s hand of grace on our life, we’ll fail to see how quickly we can lose what took us time to gain.

  • In our life of uncertainty and brevity we have a God who has sovereignty.

  • We can’t control tomorrow but we can control what we do today.

  • We look so forward to tomorrow that we miss the people and opportunities that are right in front of us today. We get so busy planning to live that we forget to live. We’re looking for tomorrow’s opportunities and missing todays.

  • “We will have eternity to celebrate the victories, but only a few hours before sunset to win them.” Amy Carmichael

  • We must humble ourselves releasing control and surrendering our will, and then do the things that matter today in order to make an impact eternally.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Would you say you are a person that likes to plan or do you just go with the flow?

  • In what ways can we become presumptuous in our planning? How is that dangerous?

  • Why is it important to understand the fragility of life?

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