The Mount Week 5

Sharable notes for the October 13, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

where are we_.png

Scriptures used: Matthew 5:10-12; 2 Timothy 2:9; 3:10-12

  • “The craziness of politics that seems to consume the church in America is NOT what’s on the minds of the church world-wide! Our self-proclaimed importance politically on the world stage has blinded us to our actual mission, seeing His Kingdom come! God awaken us from our delusion!” Tony Miller

  • God is with us in times of persecution, therefore in those times, we are blessed.

  • As believers in Christ, we are blessed when we are persecuted for righteousness and because of the name of Jesus, not when we are trying to push our own agenda.

  • If your faith could imprison you or kill you, would it still be your faith?

  • Don't ever let anything cause you to hide your light. Remember in all things, you are blessed in Christ.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How have you seen persecution to your faith?

  • If you faced persecution, how strong do you believe your faith would be?

  • What can help you consider persecution and struggles all joy?

Click the image to start a new 4 day devotion in YouVersion:

How can the church grow spiritually and numerically when persecution hits? The Jerusalem church faced immense persecution, yet the people of God grew in strength and in numbers and impacted the world. What were some factors that helped them stay the…

How can the church grow spiritually and numerically when persecution hits? The Jerusalem church faced immense persecution, yet the people of God grew in strength and in numbers and impacted the world. What were some factors that helped them stay the course and multiply even more?
