To the Future

Sharable notes for the January 17, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

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Scriptures used: Isaiah 42:9-10, 43:18-19, 46:9; Acts 2:39; 2 Samuel 7:25-26; Ephesians 1:7-8, 2:6-7; Hebrews 9:27-28

  • Recognize what God has done but realize He’s not finished.

  • God has worked amazingly in the past but He is also working gloriously into our future in ways in which we may not even see any indications of life.

  • Stop singing a song of fear. Stop singing a song of trepidation. Stop singing a song of hopelessness and start singing a song of hope in the one who is your hope.

  • We remember what God has done so we can tell others, so we can remind ourselves of His goodness. But we don’t live in the memory as if that’s that last thing He’ll ever do.

  • God wants to offer you salvation, but salvation is not the end, it’s just the beginning. There is a future ahead of you to bring God glory and represent the riches of His grace that He gave you.

  • The gospel changes the way we view judgment. Rather than fear God’s judgment, we long to be present with God.

  • We should live in the present with truth, love and grace proclaiming our hope and future promises in Christ.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What emotions and feelings do you have regarding current circumstances in our world?

  • In what ways do you think you could begin to, as Isaiah told the nation of Israel, "sing a new song?"

  • What ways do you think we can bring glory to God and honor His name as His church in the current climate?

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Walking through this life as God's children is absolutely worth it because we are certain of the future that awaits us in heaven. 

Walking through this life as God's children is absolutely worth it because we are certain of the future that awaits us in heaven. 
