
Sharable notes for the October 10, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 


Scriptures used: Luke 19:10; John 3:17; Romans 8:14-29; 1 Timothy 6:10; James 5:19-20

  • Don't get tired of waiting. Don't get tired of the journey. God's promises are there for you, and will come to pass.

  • If you are wandering in anger, regret, fear, sorrow, vices, empty desires, Jesus Christ died and rose again so you can be set free.

  • We don't have to wander because we know the Way. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.

  • Waiting is important, because it's in the waiting that we hear God's whispers.

  • When our desire for God becomes greater than anything else, then the impact that God can make through us will be greater than anything we can imagine.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • What's your greatest, or worst, memory of being lost, feeling like you were just wandering?

  • Do you ever feel like your desires are more focused on things that cause you to keep spinning your wheels rather than on God who helps you keep your life centered? How so?

  • What can you do to refocus your life and stop wandering aimlessly?

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When a boat is not anchored, it drifts with the current. None of us should go through life wandering. Did you know that a journey of eleven days took the Israelites 40 years to complete? This devotional will help you understand how to live a life anchored on God and His promises.

When a boat is not anchored, it drifts with the current. None of us should go through life wandering. Did you know that a journey of eleven days took the Israelites 40 years to complete? This devotional will help you understand how to live a life anchored on God and His promises.
